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Support Workflow

While some companies might have “unofficial” service level agreements, an SLA isn’t an SLA if it isn’t worked into the organization’s workflow. Otherwise, it just becomes a thing everyone will try to stick to, but will be impossible to track.

With a growing workplace of computers, applications, and communications; its crucial to unbundle complexities involved with vague maintenance service reporting; and ensure at baseline level your IT Support meets the SLA benchmarking, and yes, maintenance can be quantified. Here are three examples of ways to seamlessly incorporate workflows:

  1. Organize all your technical requests and automatically route them through the appropriate support workflow.
  2. Set up triggers to alert the IT Support team when an SLA is due and automatically escalate priority tickets to top of queue.
  3. Set triggers for when an SLA is violated, setting off a series of triggers that let the IT Support team and managers know, subsequently allowing you to create a report to keep track of your monthly progress.